Anger is an emotion that usually arises from irritability, resentment, frustration and agitation. It occurs in response to the underlying feelings and emotions such as hurt, fear, sense of unfairness or disrespect. These feelings result in the activation and in turn arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, and therefore, the physiological processes of anxiety. When one gets angry, the heart rate and blood pressure go up along with the levels of energy hormones. It is basically the flooding of the adrenaline and cortisol into the system thereby activating the body to flee or fight.

Some of the most common causes of excessive anger

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Bipolar disorder
Psychotic disorder
Oppositional disorder
Conduct disorder
Adjustment reaction

Chronic anger has the potential to lead to diseases and ill health in every bodily system vis-à-vis cardio-vascular, musculo-skeletal, gastro-intestinal and auto-immune problems. Even in the workplace, unmanaged  can disrupt productivity through low morale, interpersonal conflict and an individual’s reduced ability to solve any problem or retain information.

anger management clinic in kolkata | Moneralo

It is essential to learn the techniques to manage one’s emotions for which learning to recognize your anger becomes the basic step. Some of the notable physical and emotional signs and symptoms include:

● Headache and stomach ache
● Increased heart rate
● Sweating, especially your palms
● Feeling hot in the neck/face
● Shaking or trembling
● Dizziness
● Irritation
● Depression
● Anxiety

Patients suffering from schizophrenia are often known to be unpredictably aggressive and impulsive. People suffering from paranoid schizophrenia can express extreme anger and hostility towards others as they are often found to be engaged into arguments and make false accusations as a result of the delusions that they experience. This aggressive behavior may occur during both acute and chronic phases of the illness. Another prominent result of anger is the Intermittent Explosive Disorder, commonly known as IED. It is basically a behavioral disorder that is marked by the outbursts of anger and violence inappropriate to the situation. Patients with excessive anger are usually treated with psycho-therapy, psychological counseling and psychiatric evaluation. Some of the ways in which anger may be controlled are mentioned below –

● Cognitive restructuring
● Problem solving
● Better communication
● Using humor
● Changing environment

Anxiety treatment in Kolkata by some of the best and reputed doctors can be of immense help to manage your anger thereby allowing you to lead a healthy life. However, it is to be understood clearly that anger is a part of life and is not necessarily pathological. But it can be problematic and dangerous if not controlled or expressed appropriately.

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