The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies Depression as being one of the most common illness across the globe. According to WHO, there are 350 million people who suffer from Depression. Depressing statistics, right? Yes, but it is the truth. Depression can be very depressing and is a major contributor to a number of health issue. Being depressed comes with a feeling of helplessness. Don’t feel so. You can undergo treatment for depression. Along with that, there are numerous ways to fight this hollow feeling:

1. Get adequate exercise

In a study, renowned psychiatrist Dr. John Ratey found that exercise optimizes your brain function which,in turn, reduces the effect of depression. He further states that exercise helps in regulating all those neurotransmitters that are particularly affected by depression.

2. Meditate

Meditation is the best approach to overcome depression. A study by John Hopkins University reveals that meditation increases the level of serotonin in your body, that induces a feeling of well-being. It also reduces the level of cortisol, the stress-causing hormone. This significantly reduces the constant feeling of depression.

3. Practice Gratitude

Expressing gratitude can significantly boost your mental condition along with your relationships, sleeping habits, and self-esteem. A research conducted by Dr. Robert A Emmons, Professor of Psychology at the University of California found that gratitude induces a sense of happiness in you and reduces depression.

4. Check your Diet

Include food rich in Omega-3 fatty acid in your diet. A study published in Archives of General Psychiatry, 2002, mentions that depressed people lack the fatty acid EPA in their body. Participants in this study regularly took a gram of fish oil and experienced a significant decrease in their levels of depression. You can get Omega-3 fatty acid from walnuts and fish.

5. Try therapy for Depression

You can always consult experts for helping you combat depression. You can try depression counselling for eradicating this problem. Counsellors usually combine medication and psychotherapy for treating depression. This ensures that you get the right kind of help. Counselling generally focuses on behavioural therapy, interpersonal and cognitive therapies. A combination of all approaches can ensure that you overcome depression.

If you or any of your loved one is suffering from depression, then do not waste time.Get in touch with an expert immediately. If you are looking for treatment for depression, then get in touch with us. Our counsellors will help you to alleviate depression by focusing on remoulding your belief system. For further information, please visit

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