Hello, this is Dr. Tirthankar Dasgupta, a psychiatrist from the Moner Alo clinic. Everyone has various queries and questions during this lockdown period.
At this time, a very common question that  I have been faced is the Awareness of washing hands Which are spreading through media newspapers and a lot more places but the question is what would be the limit of washing hands as because too much washing hands is one kind of mental illness. This mental illness is known as OCD, Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Let me explain it in more detail.  If someone washes Hands now and then and even though it does not get satisfaction then it is known as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. particularly the obsession of Dirt, the obsession of contamination with cleaning which is repeated washing again and again.

Now, we have to know what is the normal behavior of washing hands. According to WHO, washing hands for 20-25  seconds with 70% of alcohol-based Sanitizer. is adequate for cleaning hands. If you do it 10 to 15 times in a day for 20 to 25 seconds it might get a maximum of 2-5  minutes.  

Now, the person who involves himself in washing hands for hours and hours and even after that feels like hands are not cleaned yet or the dirt is still on the hands and tries to wash more and more,  then It is not a normal Behaviour. It can be a mental illness known as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. lookout on this matter and if any surrounding person behaves like this then consult with the nearest Mental health professionals.  Take care of yourself.  Stay safe & stay home. Thank you !!

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