Teens go through emotional ups and downs all the time. Even a child faces lots of emotional turmoil. Hence, every child grows up to be different individuals with different psychological problems. Mental illness includes depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and many others to list down. There are certain signs that will help one to know that when the child or teen needs psychological counselling.

  • Mood swings are very common in teen. But that reaches its zenith and causes bad effects can create negative impact in the future. You can send your child for psychological counselling sessions at Moner Alo. We hold many such sessions to treat the children in the best possible way.
  • Behavioural changes are also alarming. It is quite obvious that behavioral choices change as your teen gets older, but if your son or daughter is presenting as a different person to you, this may indicate a mental illness or substance abuse. Our team at Moner Alo organizes regular sessions that deal with all these minute details regarding psychological effects.
  • Decreased energy, changes in eating and sleeping, frequent stomach aches, headaches, and backaches, and neglect of personal appearance and hygiene etc. are some of the other symptoms that talk about psychological turmoil. These can be dealt through counselling session. We at Moner Alo practice anxiety treatment in Kolkata and that many have recovered soon.
  • As teens enter into the developmental depression, they engage in disquieting meditations about death, symbolic of their loss of innocence and childhood identity. This is yet another sign that shows that your child needs counselling and that can help the child recover or overcome the turmoil.
  • Suicidal tendencies are quite common in teens. This basically comes from frustration, depression and anxiety. They need serious psychological counselling in order to overcome that phase.

Due to hormonal changes, life can seem overwhelming, and without much life experience, a young adult can feel misguided. Hence, a proper psychological counselling can do wonders and can help the child or the teen overcome all the ill phases and have a normal life altogether.

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